Event Overview
The Association of Commercial Real Estate’s (ACRE) is the proud owner of the Annual Developer Showcase Tradeshow. This event is the Sacramento region’s most popular commercial real estate tradeshow and is attended by over 850 business professionals. This event features a comprehensive tradeshow, incredible networking, delicious food stations and the most important marketing opportunity for your company! We offer booth company sponsorship packages that come with individual tickets and a wide variety of other company sponsored marketing opportunities and individual event tickets. All ACRE events go on sale via ACRE event e-notices. To receive our event e-notices, provide your information at
Developer Showcase Event - Date of Event & Registration Information
ACRE’S annual Developer Showcase Tradeshow is attended by over 850 commercial real estate business professionals each year and is known as the “CRE Networking Party of the Year” in our region. It is a 3 hour tradeshow event that is “fast & furious” and very fun! Our event company sponsorships include booths, food stations, plus many other unique ways for companies of all sizes to be a part of this grand event. Company marketing sponsorship opportunities are only sold in advance of the event via the ACRE Events E-notice System. Individual tickets are sold pre-event and the price of these tickets increases steeply if purchased on the day of the event on site only. If you want to attend this event, we email a Save the Date, advance e-notice of what is offered for sale and the event registration information via ACRE Events E-notice System. Please make sure that you are subscribed to our system. If you are not getting the ACRE event e-notices, please click the link below to subscribe.